List of the completed Professional and Scientific Research Training Workshops to learn the Tools and Techniques of Research in the field of Bat Taxonomy, Ecology and Behavioural Biology of the wild animals:


List of the Scientific Conferences attended for Research Paper presentation:

Scientific Conferences attended abroad:

Scientific Conferences attended in India:

List of the Scientific Lectures delivered in National and International Webinars:

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List of the Scientific Publications:    

Research Paper published in Foreign Scientific Journals:

Research Paper published in Indian Scientific  Journals:

Research notes published in foreign Scientific Journals / Newsletters:

Research notes published in Indian Scientific Journals / Newsletters:

Popular articles published in reputed Scientific Magazines:


Published Book Chapters:

Compiled Scientific Research Project Reports:

List of the Research Projects sanctioned in the capacity of a Principal Investigator and Scientist-In-Charge:



List of Memberships availed of prominent Scientific Organizations:

List of scientific publications available for free download:

To access, read and download my publications you may please go through the links being mentioned hereunder:

Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, Vol. 104 (3), December, Year 2007, PP 343-344.pdf
Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, Vol. 105 (2), December, Year 2008, PP 148-161.pdf
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43 (12), Year 2009, PP 4561-4566.pdf
Journal of Bird Conservation International, Vol. 18, Year 2008, PP S30-S48.pdf
Journal of Public Library of Science, Vol. 8, August, Year 2007, PP e686, 1-10.pdf
Journal of Environment International, Vol. 33, Year 2007, PP 759-765.pdf
Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicines, Vol. 29 (2), Year 2009, PP 80-85.pdf
Tiger Paper - Regional Quaterly Bulletin on Wildlife and National Parks Management, Vol. 33 (3) July-September, Year 2006, PP 15-22.pdf
Journal of Vespertilio, Vol. 8, Year 2004, PP 99-104.pdf
Tiger Paper - Regional Quaterly Bulletin on Wildlife and National Parks Management, Vol. 30 (4) October-December, Year 2003, PP 3-8.pdf
Zoos Print Journal, Vol. 21 (10), October, Year 2006, PP 2419-2420.pdf
Zoos Print - Scientific Magazine of Zoo Outreach Organisation, Vol. 37 (1), January, Year 2022, PP 63-66.pdf
Zoos Print - Scientific Magazine of Zoo Outreach Organisation, Vol. 36 (11), November, Year 2021, PP 30-33.pdf
Zoos Print - Scientific Magazine of Zoo Outreach Organisation, Vol. 36 (10), October, Year 2021, PP 10-11.pdf
Small Mammal Mail - CCINSA & RISCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 2 (1), January - June, Year 2010, PP 24-30.pdf
Small Mammal Mail - CCINSA & RISCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 4 (2), December, Year 2012, PP 22-33.pdf
Bat Research News, Vol. 46 (3), Fall, Year 2005, PP 75-76.pdf
Bat Research News, Vol. 45 (4), Winter, Year 2004, PP 199.pdf
Bat Research News, Vol. 44 (2), Summer, Year 2003, PP 63-64.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 9 (1), Janurary - July, Year 2008, PP 3-4.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 8 (1-2), Janurary - December, Year 2007, PP 32-33.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 7 (1-2), January - December, Year 2006, PP 27-29.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 6 (1), January, Year 2005, PP 5.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 3 (2), January, Year 2002, PP 7-8.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 3 (2), January, Year 2002, PP 12-13.pdf
Bat Net - CCINSA Newsletter, Vol. 2 (1), January, Year 2001, PP 16.pdf
International Bat Research Conference 2019, Phuket, Thailand, - Abstract-Booklet, Year 2019, PP 292.pdf